simple is beautiful
Sydney Daily Photo: Bennett's Wallaby
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Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bennett's Wallaby

Freycinet National Park, Tasmania. Yes, it allowed me to get this close. This is not on zoom, or cropped.

Macropus rufogriseus - known as the red-necked wallaby on mainland Australia. It is one of Tasmania's most commonly seen native animals and is abundant throughout the state. They can be distinguished by their black nose and paws, and white stripe on the upper lip.

According to Wikipedia, "there is a small colony of Red-necked Wallabies on the island of Inchconnachan in Loch Lomond in Scotland. This was founded in 1975 with two pairs taken from Whipsnade Zoo, and had risen to 26 individuals by 1993. There were at one time small colonies in England, in the Peak District and in Ashdown Forest. These are now believed to be locally extinct, though unconfirmed sightings are still reported from time to time."

What is the difference between a wallaby and a kangaroo? Size is pretty much it - it's a name goven to macropods which are smaller than kangaroos but haven't been given another name.


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