simple is beautiful
Sydney Daily Photo: Spices at Flemington
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Monday, October 15, 2007

Spices at Flemington

Flemington Markets are Sydney's main produce markets. As well there is a "Paddy's" market - stalls with countless cheap knockoffs of socks, handbags and plastic toys. Amidst it all i stopped in my tracks and was transported to memory of Istanbul's Spice Bazaar! I just stood and breathed deep for quite some time...

OK, I've been tagged by Bergson at Chateaubriant Daily Photo. And I have to pass the tag on...

Here's the rules:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs
Here's 8 Random Facts about me:

1 I love swimming - it's the only exercise I can bear!
2 I studied french and german at school, remember a little french and almost no German
3 I have one adorable son, aged nearly 14
4 I have lived in Melbourne, Sydney, Moree, Istanbul and Dorset (England)
5 I am standing for election as Senior Vice President of my teacher union (which is why I haven't spent very much time commenting on blogs lately!)
6 I love going to the theatre
7 I 'm a Francophile and hope to live in France for a while some day
8 My sister has just been travelling through from Beijing to Istanbul, through Central Asia, and I am jealous!

I'd like to tag:

Nathalie - Avingnon in Photos
Gail's man - Nottingham Daily Photo
Alice - Arradon Daily Photo
Fabrizio - Torino Daily Photo
Ayetn - Sheki, Azerbaijan
Ced and Angelique - Lyon Daily Photo
gmg - Blogtrotter
photolicious - La Republique Etrange


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